
Jessie Oliver

Studying Visual Artist

My Latest Blog Posts

Reflection and Exhibition – Nov 2023

Three years at Auckland University of Technology have come to a close, and it’s truly astounding to reflect on this journey. I take immense pride in the progress I’ve made, especially during this last year, which challenged me in ways I could have never anticipated. The culmination of my hard work is now on display,…


The Final Week – Nov 2023

And here it is the final week! It is now the most stressed and excited I have ever been. I took over Sarah’s wall space as she wasn’t using it anymore so I could see how my paintings were look as a collective, being on the same wall. I liked the colours of the paintings…


The End is Near – Oct 2023

This next week and a bit started off with me finishing my tree painting. I just had to do some final details which included highlights, a couple of extra layers and the final small tree of the left side. I touched up the edges of the painting too and thought that this painting was now…


Foyer Space Display – Oct 2023

I had a one on one with Jeena and we discussed using the foyer as an opportunity for other to experience my work and collect feedback. As well as understanding how my works all fit together as in an exhibition space. I took this opportunity and luckily the foyer was free for the next couple…


Painting Three at Once -Oct 2023

This next week and a bit started off with me painting all three works at once. As the pressure of finishing my Visual Arts degree has creeped up real fast, I pushed myself to just give it my all. I drew the out line of this painting, which included the figures of the plants. I…


Influential artists

Satoshi Uchiumi

Satoshi Uchiumi’s art style can be characterized as a captivating fusion of pointillism and abstract expressionism. He employs a meticulous technique, using brushes and cotton swabs to apply countless small dots and strokes of vivid, contrasting colors on his canvases. This meticulous approach results in a rich, layered texture that invites viewers to explore the…


Duri Baek

Duri Baek’s artwork possesses an entrancing quality that captivates the viewer’s attention. With a minimalistic color palette of green and yellow, Duri skillfully captures the enchanting interplay of sunlight filtering through foliage. Her meticulous brushwork and unwavering attention to detail bring this phenomenon to life. This collection of paintings, titled “Hwijowon,” which translates to “a…


Kirstin Carlin

“her paintings are musical and full of rhythm and colour. Her brushstrokes ark through fields of colour while describing form, enhancing texture, and offering moments of contrast. In other words, they bring about the right visual pitch. What is most apparent in her work is the direct application of paint spread with a loose technique.…


Jessica Skowroneck

Jessica Skowroneck’s recent artworks delve into the realm of inner landscapes, depicting spaces that exist at the crossroads of consciousness and the subconscious, blending the boundaries of imagination and reality. She draws inspiration from photographs and memories of the tangible world, which she then transmute into a realm entirely of her own creation—a painted reality.…


Soumya Netrabile

Netrabile’s artistic approach diverges from the precise representation of canvas resembling realism in landscape paintings. Instead, she places a strong emphasis on delving into natural archetypes through the interplay of colour and form, drawing inspiration from memory. In her own words, she explains, “My recent botanical paintings primarily feature invented or fictionalized plants. Plants, like…


Flora Yukhnovich Takes on Tiepolo in Venice by Thea Hawlin 

The article discusses the art and creative process of Flora Yukhnovich, an artist known for transforming historic compositions into contemporary abstract works. She draws inspiration from French rococo painters and finds residency in Venice where she became immersed in the work of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, a Venetian rococo painter. The resulting exhibition at Victoria Miro…


Janna Watson   

The following article discusses the Canadian painter Janna Watson’s solo exhibition at Newzones Gallery. The exhibition is titled “The Heat of Blue.” The text sheds light on Watson’s creative process and the subjects she explores in her work. For example, the warmth and darkness associated with the colour blue. While her intentional clusters and gestural…


Norman Bluhm

Norman Bluhm (1921-1999) was an American abstract expressionist painter. He was born in Chicago and studied at the Art Institute of Chicago and the University of Illinois. Bluhm also served in World War II as a navigator in the Air Force. Norman Bluhm’s abstract style was characterised by gestural brushwork, a bold use of color,…


Louise Zhang

Louise Zhang’s vibrant paintings and sculptures explore the complexities of her experience as a ChineseAustralian. Zhang is known for amorphous works that brim with energy and combine traditional Chinese motifs such as gongshi (scholars’ rocks) with horror film tropes. She had her first solo museum show at the National Gallery Victoria in 2020, just four…


Judy Millar

Judy Millar investigates the relationships between painting, the body, and three-dimensional space by using the process of subtraction to create gestural oil and acrylic paintings. At first glance, Millar’s work has the expressive quality of mid-century action paintings, she engages with the canvas on the floor like Jackson Pollock, using her entire body in the…


Grace Wright

Tonal planes and gestural bands of colour rhythmically coalesce like lightly tangled mark-makings in the paintings of Grace Wright, an emerging New Zealand artist. The Auckland-based artist’s abstractions, rendered in layers of acrylic paint on linen, conjure up rhythmic forms reminiscent of 17th-century religious painting, the human body, and nature. Grace Wright, who was born…


Celia Lees

Celia is an abstract painter. She began painting to find self-expression and a deeper connection with both life and herself. Celia’s work is mostly abstract or suggestive in nature. Celia is captivated by the nature of abstract art and its psychologically difficult narrative. Celia enjoys working on a large scale and using her body motions…


Pia Fries

Pia Fries was born in the Swiss town of Beromünster. The artist, a former Gerhard Richter masterclass student, has established himself as one of Europe’s foremost representatives of abstract painting. Her daring painting style reveals colours, forms, and structures as individually ordered structures of the self, rejecting all traditional orders and values. Each image has…
